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Supervisory Management Course

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Course Information Request

    Course Description

    This course is aimed at newly appointed managers, company supervisors, and team leaders.
    The purpose of this supervisory management course is to understand and provide a solid foundation of an insight into the world of management. It focuses on setting clear outputs for subordinates and monitoring these in line with improving performance and productivity which seeks to create a theoretical understanding of underlying supervisory management principles. It explores the skills and behaviors needed for managing oneself and building high performing teams. The course focuses on the key challenges faced by every manager and shows practically how to work through these. Students will understand the inter-relationship between the supervisory management function.

    Module/Course list

    Introduction to management
    Leading in decision making
    People management

    Course Outcome

    • Understanding the supervisory context and the need for holistic development.
    • Understand the basic management functions – planning, leading, organization and control.
    • Building effective team relationships in the workplace – understanding personality and diversity.
    • Understand and apply key conflict resolution and counseling skills promptly.
    • Be able to apply effective delegation, feedback, and listening skills appropriately with a diverse
    • Be confident to monitor performance and exercise control through corrective strategies.
    • Managing time, finances and quality through efficient communication.
    • Understand different personality types and motivate people accordingly.

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