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management courses

Management and Leadership are not the same and the skills needed for both are not simple and tend to be multilayered. One way to look at management and leadership is to put these two dimensions on a management and leadership continuum. Leadership is tied to long life learning whereas management involves more structured activities, leadership is more about using and learning new skills as context and reality change the overall public health landscape. Traditional, management was about the organization and what was needed to advance the organization from a profit orientation.

The two terms have always been used interchangeably in the workplace, creating confusion. The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow them while managers have people who work for them. A successful business owner needs to be both a strong leader and manager to get their team on board to follow them towards their vision of success. It takes a  driven person to motivate staff and guide an organization through the complexities of the modern business environment. Studying management and leadership will equip an individual with the knowledge and skills essential to become that person and lead in a dynamic work environment.

This course can take as long as 24 months to complete, however, the average time for completion varies from 12 to 18 months. To apply for management and leadership course the minimum entry requirement is Grade 9 and at least 16 years old with the ability to read and write English.

Once completed the course, Graduates may apply their knowledge in a variety of organizations from small business start-ups to large companies and the public sector. Pursue a career as a human resource director, corporate services director, organizational development director, corporate planner or policy officer.

The most commonly asked question by all once completed a degree or qualification is what could I be earning?… well fear not because A Team Leader, General earns an average salary of R151,666 per year any management field position earns an average salary of R273,000  per year.

“Ultimately, leadership is not about glorious crowning acts. It’s about keeping your team focused on a goal and motivated to do their best to achieve it, especially when the stakes are high and the consequences really matter. It is about laying the groundwork for others’ success, and then standing back and letting them shine.”- Chris Hadfield