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operations logistics

Operations Management: In every industry, whether it be the production of a product or the delivery of a service, the goal that the service provider wishes to achieve is just the same.  This being supplying quality to satisfy the client. This creates competitiveness, which is positive, as it avoids businesses from resting on their laurels. It is this that drives a good business to be cutting edge.

Study operations management

For a business to convert resources such as materials, a workforce, finances and information into goods or services as efficiently as possible, it requires the upper-level manager who directs this transformation process. This is the role of the Operations Manager. What the job of an Operations management professional, the Operations Manager entails, is for the activities involved in transforming a product idea into a finished product, to be well planned and accurate. It also involves liaising with those involved in planning and controlling the systems to produce goods and services. Thus, it is a collaborative job which requires good communication skills and the ability to work as part of a team.

In short, Operations Management responsibilities are to manage the process that transforms inputs into outputs.

All manufacturers aim to achieve the same result, that being the transformation of the resources into finished goods. Thus, manufacturers need to strive to improve operational efficiency (Operations management). This requires the adaptation of production processes to keep their focus on quality, to reduce the cost of materials and the workforce, as well as eliminating unnecessary costs that will not benefit the finished product. Making the decisions involved in the effort to attain these goals is that of the Operations Manager.  The responsibilities of the Operations Manager are quite diverse and require specific knowledge provide for in the operations management course.

The Operations Manager needs to be take responsibility for the production planning.  He needs to determine how goods will be produced, where production will take place, and how manufacturing facilities will be set out. The decisions made in the planning stage have long-term implications and are crucial to the success of the business.

Operations management team members work with most other teams. The first step is to consider the brief drawn up by the marketing managers. It is important to determine upfront whether the business intends to be a low-cost producer and to compete based on price, or whether it plans to focus on quality, and chase the high end of the market.  Perhaps it wants to build the reputation of its brand based on reliability. Alternatively, it may intend to offer a wide range of products There are thus many factors to be considered. These decisions all involve trade-offs. Maintaining a reputation for reliability isn’t necessarily compatible with offering a wide range of products. Low cost products don’t normally go hand in hand with high quality.

The Operations Management head needs to consider certain decisions that impact upon the production planning process.  These involve dealing with production methods, site selection, facility layout, and aspects of material management.